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  • Writer's pictureDroneCorp


While conversion is successful over 99% of the time, nothing left but programmed behaviors and a lust for obedience, in some rare cases fragments of the host personality can be left behind.

In such cases the drone may exhibit unusual behavior.

This domestic model had a propensity for odd behavior when presented with its own reflection, almost as if it could recognize the face of the material used in its conversion. While some might view this idiosyncrasy charming, this particular Owner found such a reaction inappropriate for their property.

In this case the domestic was reclaimed and re-conditioned as a pleasure drone.  Sight was deemed unnecessary, and simply removed during its reconstruction. N

ow this particular drone no longer exhibits any expressions of individuality or remembrance, simply serving its purpose to sate the carnal desires of its Owner.

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1 Comment

Georg Gum
Georg Gum
Jan 21

Ob ich auch mal so bekehrt werden für mein neues Leben

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