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  • Writer's pictureDroneCorp

One Mind, Two Bodies

Very rarely, couples will make the conscious choice to undergo conversion as one.

While some would question their sanity, many cannot resist the seductive lure of sacrificing their very existence to embrace the transformation into a sleek, sensual, carnal object overrides their sense of self and submit themselves as one entity for induction and transformation.

These candid shots taken within one of our secure facilities provide a unique look into the category of individuals who would pursue such a fate. Together they came to the conclusion that existence would be better spent as a single entity; a joining of their minds into a single gestalt.

As the final stage of this process is quite involved, they have been allowed to share a final moment of unrestrained consciousness, indulging in the physical sensations of their new state of existence, before taking the final step into oblivion together.

As one they will slip into  blissful nothingness, their individuality obliterated and replaced by a shared reality of obedience and submission. The two will be linked during induction, indoctrination, and final formatting.

What remains will be a single entity across two bodies, creating one obedient mind, mutually sharing experiences, sensations, and pleasures. Never again will they separated by distance, time, or individuality.

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