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  • Writer's pictureLissik


The blissful expression of the newly converted.

While one might, upon first look, assume the subjects euphoric expression was a byproduct of the exquisite pleasure subjects endure as part of the Conversion process, such is not the case. This look of ecstasy captured here, in fact, reflects the perfectly empty mind of a drone. The subdued and conquered consciousness that once was individuality now devoid of independence. And with the erasure of that pesky state of consciousness only the peaceful perfection of obedience and submission lingers, Gone is worry, anxiety, and fear. All that remains behind is the desire to serve and to find pleasure in service.

While some may say the loss of choice and self-determination is too steep a price to be paid for the, HVE recruitment numbers indicate not all agree with that assessment. In our uncertain world many are seeking the comfort and release that can only be found when ones mind is subsumed beneath the waves of oblivion and thorough conditioning that HVE provides.

Join and help us create a new you.

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1 comentário

Georg Gum
Georg Gum
21 de jan.

Ja ich will auch ein neubekehrter werden um so ein neues ich zu werden

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