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  • Writer's pictureDroneCorp

Glossy Pet Play

There will always be those who want to be on the cutting edge of technology, especially when that technology is centered in kink. As drone Ownership becomes more mainstream, HVE and DroneCorp are always looking for ways to innovate.

Pet Play has always been a popular and fascinating draw for surprising large portions of the population and was quickly identified as an opportunity for expansion for HVE. Through years of research, we have mapped the neuro-patterns of a number of our four legged friends and can now overlay their behavioral patterns on top of the subjects mind. This process re-writes social norms and values, replacing them with the chosen animalistic behaviors.

Combined with the ability to physically alter a drone to almost any specification we can now create creatures which are mental copies of a valued pet or selected animal breed while retaining the carnal capabilities of the human subject it is based upon. Here we see such a final product; a proud Owner alongside her two loyal companions.

The two subjects who were converted into existence as rubber pups were a pair of suitors who were vying for the attention of their new Mistress. Rather than choose she decided to keep both as playful pets, presenting them with an ultimate of either both or neither. Completely smitten the two agreed that existence in this state would be preferable to existence banished from her presence.

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