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  • Writer's pictureDroneCorp

Freedom Through Transformation

Sometimes clients get exactly what they want. All it will cost is everything you are.

This subject suffered from acute shyness and social anxiety to such a degree that it left her unable to interact with the world around her in any meaningful way.

As evident in the pre-conversion preparation photo she even found herself unable to, at times, even face other people (or our photographer). Weary of life on the fringes she submitted herself for conversion.

As per the subjects specifications the process was targeted to remove traits that reinforced anxiety or nervousness (as well as individuality and personality of course). The timid creature that once inhabited this body was erased, alongside all inhibitions and insecurity, leaving behind a dominatrix only capable of deriving pleasure by wielding power over others.

Before & After

Through a willingness to sacrifice everything it was it became what it always desired.

This unit was purchased and now takes residence in the household of one of the rare, though not unheard of, submissive Owners; exerting control not only over the other drones but the individual who payed a great deal for the pleasure of it's company.

At HVE we pride ourselves on supplying the perfect product for all of our clients.

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