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Droning 101

What even is a Drone? And how does one become one?

Neither question has an easy answer, but at HVE we seek to be a guiding voice in the wilderness for such inquires.

At it's core a Drone is a subject who has submitted to the collective that is HVE. One who has come to the realization that obedience and submission are key parts of a blissful existence. An individual who seeks to lose their indviduality and find bliss in the oblivion that can only be found with a conditioned mind held tight in the smooth embrace of glossy rubber.

Such subjects surrendor their inner self, drowing the little, nagging voice that fills them with anxiety and doubt to replace it with the reassuring collective harmony of HVE. HVE accepts, HVE affirms, HVE adores and all HVE asks in return is compliance and reverence. Those who surrender themselves to HVE are provided a new identity and designation for use within HVE; an acknowledgement of a new existence as a part of the whole.

And how does one join HVE? How does one become a Drone within the collective?

An excellent space to start is our Home Drone guide located on our main site. This information provides a breakdown of the basic physical and mental standards a subject must pursue to join the ranks of HVE. Simple, at home exercises and goals established by our team of experts to facilitate the gradual change from human to something else entirely. Beyond these exercises, however, sits the next stage of the process we call Conversion. Via a mixture of sensory deprivation, pleasure saturation , and audio-visual reinforcement an individual can be properly conditioned. This process replaces established identity and thought with pre-selected inductions that reflect a Drones new sub-type and designation in preperation for a new existance free from individuality.

What does this mean? A Drone always has purpose, a Drone is never alone, and pleasure is only simple act of obedience away.

Currently, new facilities for the implementation and expansion of this process are under construction with plans to provide full service Conversion in multiple municipalities in Quarter One of calander year 2024. As part of the run up to this grand opening, we here at HVE will provide testimonials from subjects and Owners covering a range of Drone sub-types and tasks to help you determine what type of new shiny you to be in the new year.

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Georg Gum
Georg Gum
Feb 28

Ich will eine Drohne werden

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