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Uniformity In Shape.

For many subjects conversion is experienced at one of our designated Droning facilities.  Here they are placed in an advanced alteration and conditioning enclosure and subjected to physiological alteration, coating their once fleshy bodies in sleek, synthetic perfection.

However, as not all volunteers have easy access to the metropolitan areas required to host these sites, we provide a style guide and list of cooperating vendors who can provide the necessary SmarTex material necessary for home conversion.

While many drones look the same, based upon their roles, note the primary purpose of the physical transformation is not uniformity but erasure of the subjects identity. Encasement in the proper SmarTex enclosure allows the mind to slip into a state mixed relaxation and arousal necessary for absorption of HVE instruction.




Conformity In Thought.

Thought is, truly, a misnomer for post Conversion existence as lack of thought is the desired goal of the transformative psychological conditioning that subjects endure as part of our process.

Drones, of any type, do not think, they merely accept commands and react to the desires of Owners or higher tier Drones. Here at HVE we facilitate this process through the implantation of repetitive routines that help to place a subjects mind in the correct space for intake of instructions. By performing a specific set of tasks again and again, a subject can let go, lose its sense of self and let it's mind be absorbed by the collective consciousness. 

In some cases more intense, or direct, induction is required. Such subjects may find themselves subjected to our Advanced Induction (A.I.) program in which a fusion of audio and visual stimuli are employed to ensure proper erasure and reformatting of any remaining consciousness. Typically reserved for Drones assigned to HVE Executives or Controllers, these service may be provided upon approval of request.


Consistency in Operation

The beauty of a blank mind is that it can be filled with whatever is required to give it purpose.

While Conversion lays a solid foundation for a drones existence, HVE cannot conceive of every task or situation that a drone may encounter, nor does it try to. Instead general instructions are provided to each class of drone based on its designation. On top of this framework individual Owners or Controllers may overlay their specific desires and orders. All drones find purpose and pleasure in fulfilling these implanted requirements.

While this basic framework can be reviewed here, more detailed guidance can be found via our HomeDrone page.

Drones are objects; to be used as needed.

Drones are obedient; following orders is pleasure.

Drones are mindless; lacking free will or thought.

Drones find pleasure in pleasing; satisfaction is through service.

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